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Saturday, January 24, 2009

We're Auntie and Uncle AGAIN!

My sister Jen and Zach had thier baby girl Saturday Jan. 10th.
They named her Elizabeth Sophia Aland. She is co cute and little and just precious.
Chris and I got a front row view of the start of labor. We were all supposed to go to dinner on Friday night and then Jen and I were going to work on the walls in the new nursery. Well by the time that we got to their house she was having some belly pains and didn't think that she could sit through dinner at a restaurant. So Chris and I went and picked up dinner for all of us with some fries by special request from Jen. In the hour that we were gone the pains had gotten much worse and she was shaking it was hurting so bad. So I helped put some stuff in her overnight bag and we were going to go to our apartment since it is across the street from the Hospital. By the time that we got everything in the car she wanted to go straight to the hospital. I drove since Zach can't see very well to drive at night and I now know that epidural is the way to go- For Sure!

Elizabeth Sophia Aland

I know I will be the favorite aunt. Her hair really isn't that orange- it must be the picture

Chris and 6 hour old ElizabethNew babies are so cuddly and smell so good.
I think that we are coming around to this baby idea.
Congrats Zach and Jen- You done good!

Dahlin Year End Review- SUPER LATE!!!!!!

I had a birthday on Nov. 21st. I turned the big 26! How did I get so old?! My family had a dinner and we all opened presents. It was a joint birthday party with my sister Trisha but she was home with a sick kid so Zachary was her candle blower proxy.

We were able to have Thanksgiving with all of Chris's extended family on his mom's side on the family.
His uncle Tom, aunt Chrisine, Cousin Kay, her husband Franco and their two kids Isaac and Arie came up to Utah from Texas. Aimee also came down from Oregon. It was fun to hang out with them and play some games. We all ate together for Thanksgiving day and had a super YUMMY dinner at Rome Ristorante'. I had the best pork loin (of course I remember the food!.) It was great to have everyone around the table and lots of people said what they were thankful for. Most of the answers were family and I don't disagree.

Suzanne and Ron


Isaac, Franco, and Kay

Javier and Grandma Karol


Chris and me

Isaac and Arie

Then it was off to finals for school- well at least for me. Chris was applying to his Masters of Accounting program to start in the spring. So he was busy studying for his GMAT. Can I tell you that is one beast of a test- and the 2nd time was the charm. Chris passed in early November and was accepted to his masters program at Weber State. He also got a PAID- BOOYEAH!- internship with an CPA Accounting firm in Ogden. So it was a lot of good news right before Christmas.

We spent Christmas Eve with Ron, Suzanne and Brian. We ate a yummy Prime Rib dinner. It was the best prime rib, with lots of horseradish! Thanks for the awesome dinner. After dinner poor Brian got a migraine so he was MIA for the rest of the night. We just hung out watched a movie and opened presents.

Ron with his heated glove liners

Suzanne with a scarf and some earrings I made- I was crafty this Christmas.

Chris got some super comfy warm slippers

Me with LOTS of smelly stuff.

We then went and stayed at my parents house so that we could see all the kids open their Santa presents. It so fun with little kids and how they get so excited. Since Chris and I were the only adults sleeping downstairs with all the kids I was put on kid patrol. My mom told the girls (Ashleigh and Rebecca) and Zachary that they couldn't come out of their room until 8am . Don't worry at 5 AM I heard them all giggling in the bedroom and since they couldn't leave the room I have the lovely task of getting all 3 DS game systems for them. Then Eli woke up - so he was my and Chris's bed buddy for the rest of the night. It is just getting me ready for my own little rug rats. :)

Chris got some games for the Wii.

The 3 DS Culprits.

My sister Lisa and me with my Cashmere - Hello!- scarf that I got from Chris's dad and Cheryl in Kansas. So Soft!

My Bro-in-Law John and Andrew opening Stockings

My parents got al us girls/hubbies beadspreads from Branson - this is me opening mine. It's blue, white and cream. Very pretty.

Chris opening a sweatshirt

Eli playing with a Horton Hears A Who Game. He's so Cute.

Chris's sisters in Kansas got us some pretty flowers for Christmas. It was a good choice I LOVE tulips.

Our Life Together......So far